

Beat The Heat

It’s summer in my part of the world and whew, it’s hot out there! Our pets are susceptible to heat stroke the same way we are when it’s hot out, which can be fatal if not caught and treated immediately (and even if it is, will often result in a lengthy vet stay). Read on to learn more about how to protect your pets from the heat.

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Call Seasons

This isn’t an overly popular opinion, but I really enjoy being on call. Sure it can get busy, and there’s nothing like working until 6:00am only for your day shift to start at 7:30, but the people I get to meet and the animals I get to help really make it special. You never quite know what’s going to call in and I’ve had everything from ear infections and vaccines (yep, really) to dog C-sections, hit-by-cars, and one memorable bear attack. Large animal call is particularly interesting for me as I don’t do a ton of large animal medicine on a daily basis, and calving season is an (exhausting) highlight of the year. 

“Call Seasons” explores the difference between call shifts in summer and winter, and the incredible beauty I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by, both inside and out of vet med. 

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