
July 2018

Beat The Heat

It’s summer in my part of the world and whew, it’s hot out there! Our pets are susceptible to heat stroke the same way we are when it’s hot out, which can be fatal if not caught and treated immediately (and even if it is, will often result in a lengthy vet stay). Read on to learn more about how to protect your pets from the heat.

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One Day At A Time (Part 3)

My current cat, Theo, is an SPCA alumni who was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition shortly after adoption. At the time the cardiologist was unsure how much time we might have together; a year or two, a month or two. It can be so hard to put a number to these disease processes. Instead, we live life together, one day at a time. Part One can be found here and Part Two can be found here.

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One Day At A Time (Part 2)


My current cat, Theo, is an SPCA alumni who was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition shortly after adoption. At the time the cardiologist was unsure how much time we might have together; a year or two, a month or two. It can be so hard to put a number to these disease processes. Instead, we live life together, one day at a time. Part One can be found here.

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