

One Day At A Time (Part 3)

My current cat, Theo, is an SPCA alumni who was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition shortly after adoption. At the time the cardiologist was unsure how much time we might have together; a year or two, a month or two. It can be so hard to put a number to these disease processes. Instead, we live life together, one day at a time. Part One can be found here and Part Two can be found here.

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One Day At A Time (Part 2)


My current cat, Theo, is an SPCA alumni who was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition shortly after adoption. At the time the cardiologist was unsure how much time we might have together; a year or two, a month or two. It can be so hard to put a number to these disease processes. Instead, we live life together, one day at a time. Part One can be found here.

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